Wendell St in Lawrence
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Three-Family Residential - 12 - 12A WENDELL ST
Three-Family Residential - 13 WENDELL ST
Three-Family Residential - 16-16A WENDELL ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 20-22 WENDELL ST
Two-Family Residential - 21 WENDELL ST
Apartments With Four To Eight Units - 25 WENDELL ST
Three-Family Residential - 26 WENDELL ST
Parking Garages - 5-7 WENDELL ST
Two-Family Residential - 6 WENDELL ST
Two-Family Residential - 8-10 WENDELL ST
Three-Family Residential - 9-11 WENDELL ST
Three-Family Residential - WENDELL ST
Undevelopable Commercial Land